Artist Statement
I am a Goodman Community Center neighbor and supporter living on Willard Avenue. I am a slow artist in terms of getting things together and figuring out what I want to do. I am faster at executing projects once I’ve got the vision.
I’ve been thinking about these bugs for a long time and have always wanted to do some block prints, so a series of linocuts of bugs doing what bugs might do at a big party made sense to me. These prints are all part of a collection that make up the illustrations for a book called “A Little Party.” The show includes one of each of the original series of signed linoleum block prints. You can follow the story in the order of the prints presented by reading the text around the border of each.
For more information, visit the Ballweg Gallery
Goodman Center's Diane Endres Ballweg Gallery displays work by emerging and contemporary artists with a tie to Madison. It's free and open for all to enjoy — check out our latest exhibit off the main entrance of our Ironworks Building.