Rachel Ancheta, our Girls Inc. STEM Coordinator, has been doing weekly STEM activities with our Girls Inc. participants, so we asked her to share one you can do at home. These Anti-Gravity Galaxy Bottles focus on chemistry and physics, and demonstrate density as a property of matter while making some beautiful and relaxing bottles!
You will need:
- Empty water bottle
- 6-8oz of baby oil
- Water
- Purple and blue food coloring
- White or silver glitter
- Funnel
How to make them:
- Take the label off the water bottle and fill it half full with baby oil. (Use a funnel if you have one.)
- Add glitter on top of the baby oil.
- Add enough water to fill the rest of the bottle to a measuring cup. Then, add about 5 drops of purple food coloring and 3 drops of blue food coloring.
- Stir the water and pour into the bottle, leaving half an inch or so of air space in the bottle’s neck.
- Screw the lid back on the bottle. Seal it tight with tape or super glue.
- Shake the bottle and watch the glitter move up as it settles!