Goodman Community Center | Volunteer Spotlight: Fall 2024 Badger &…

Volunteer Spotlight: Fall 2024 Badger & WolfPack Volunteers

Goodman's youth programming is a place for growth, fun and exploration for Madison's college students.

October 31, 2024 |
Volunteer Amelia joins Purple House for playground time, a playfully fun part of her shifts.
Amelia on the Playground

Since Spring of 2013, Goodman has been happily hosting handfuls of dedicated students from both UW Madison and Madison College through their volunteer programs Badger Volunteers and WolfPack Volunteers, respectively or as individuals who find their way to us.

Some students, like Brooke who's volunteering in Elementary Afterschool's Gold Room, are spending a semester with Goodman because they're thinking about pursuing a career working with kids. When asked about her favorite part of volunteering, Brooke said “every time I come in, they make me laugh with their wit and humor! I look forward to each week for this reason!”

Marissa in Silver

Gueda, who was in Goodman's preschool 10 years ago (!!!), shared that some of her earliest memories are from Goodman's program. She said, "I am still extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to be in that space and within a community.” How tremendous that Gueda spends every Friday morning with the kids in Yellow Room in our Early Childhood Education program!

Julia's highlight is reading story books and hearing about their weekends during meeting time in the Teal Room. She chose to volunteer because "these formative years are so important for a child’s emotional and social growth."

Brooke in Gold

This semester, many students are helping out across our youth programs.

Playing with our youngest friends in Early Childhood Education: Adria, Amelia, Annabelle, Carissa, Gueda, Grace, Madelyn, Precious, Skye, Shefali, Sylvia, Trang and Venora.

Spending afternoons with Middle School: Betlihim, Elisa, Jeff, Marcella and Shqipe.

Giving their time in our Elementary Afterschool rooms: Alyssa, Brooke, Brady, Julia, Larry, Lieske, Mady, Marissa and Sassella.

Carissa in Purple House

For Gueda, volunteering with the kids is a way to play and have fun, saying “It is nice to play pretend because it can feel like you have to be serious all the time at school.” Thank you to all the student volunteers who find time in their busy schedules to give back with the Goodman community!

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