FREE Summer Camp (Yes, you read that right.)
Girls Inc. of Greater Madison (GIGM) is excited to offer FREE Summer camps for rising 4th through 9th grade girl-identifying and non-binary youth. Summer camp programming includes free meals and snacks, transportation to fun field trips offsite and safe space to be strong, smart, and bold!
About Girls Inc.
Girls Inc. is a national organization that inspires girls to be strong, smart, and bold through hands on, minds on experiences that supports girls’ health and wellness, academic enrichment, and life skills development. The Goodman Community Center has been proudly serving as the Madison Girls Inc. affiliate since 2014.
Summer 2024 is now over. Check back in spring for summer 2025 info.
Girls enCourage is designed to sustain girls' interest in sports through adolescence by introducing them to non-traditional activities and adventures that go beyond stereotypes and challenge them to set their own personal goals and create their own definitions of success. Participation in program activities promotes movement skills, team cohesion and health awareness to develop girls' sense of personal power and worth. As they master new physical techniques and learn to take calculated risks, girls build not only physical strength, but also courage, confidence, self-reliance, and other critical life skills.
Age level: For 6th - 8th graders
Cost: FREE
Meals and snacks provided.
Summer 2024 is now over. Check back in spring for summer 2025 info.
Girls Inc. is excited to partner with STEM experts in the Madison area who will not only lead hands-on, minds-on STEM activities, but also teach our camp participants that they too can be STEM experts! STEM programming will help your child build crucial social-emotional life skills like critical thinking and analytical skills, as well as build communication skills.
Age level: For 3rd - 5th graders
Cost: FREE
Meals and snacks provided.
For more information about free Girls Inc. summer camps contact:

Girls Inc. of Greater Madison
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