People really read our little paper
The Eastside News newspaper is published six times a year by the Goodman Community Center. We publish news and information about events, issues, resources and Goodman programs.
Invite 20,000 people to your event
More than 17,000 copies of this 24-page paper are mailed directly to households in the Center’s service area on the east side of Madison and to many subscribers throughout the greater Madison area. Copies are also available at several area locations and at the Goodman Community Center. It is edited and produced by Center staff and volunteers.
We regularly have a page or more announcing upcoming activities at Goodman and in the community. Send your article with all the pertinent details to by the first day of even numbered months. Activity and event promos are suggested to be 100 words. If you have a bigger story to tell, check in with Dave Link to see if we are able to include a longer article.
Email Dave with the topic of the article you’d like to submit and he will direct you in regards to space and timing. Then email the finished article by the deadline given. Typical article length is 300 to 500 words.
We love photos! Include photos with clear captions. As a rough guideline, a 4 x 6 inch image should be at least 300k so it looks good in print. Higher resolution/larger is better. Preferred image types are .tif or .jpg.
To be considered for the upcoming issue, submit your article topic prior to the first day of even numbered months.
All articles are edited for style consistency and writing clarity before publication.
We are not staffed to fact check every detail, so please ensure names are spelled correctly and facts are accurate in everything you submit. We will try to catch mistakes, but can’t guarantee it. Unsolicited articles are published based on space constraints, and the appropriateness and timeliness of content.
The views expressed in Eastside News do not necessarily reflect the views of its editors, volunteer staff, GCC employees or GCC board. All content is the property of Eastside News.
For more information about submitting content to Eastside News contact:

Dave Link
Eastside News Manager
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