When you donate stuff, you always help us stretch our budgets.
Do you have some stuff to donate?
Please check our staff’s current wish list on the tab below to see what’s needed. Help us get it to the right program by labeling your items with the program or staff person’s name who requested it. Wondering about something that’s not on the list? If you would like to donate something that’s not on the list — big or small — please check with us first so we’re sure we can use it. When you bring your items to the center, you can fill out a receipt for your goods, or our receptionist can help you.
Want to donate food?
We depend on donations of food to help keep our Fritz Food Pantry shelves stocked. You can drop off any donations on our donation rack, just off the main lobby. If you have a large quantity to deliver, please contact francesca@goodmancenter.org or 608-204-8049 in advance.
Find what’s most needed and lot more information about the pantry here.
Drop-off hours
Goods can be dropped off at our Ironworks building (149 Waubesa St.) during normal Goodman Center hours.
Your in-kind gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the tax law. Please know that only you and your tax advisor can assign a value to your in-kind gift — the Goodman Community Center cannot.
Can we give you a receipt for your in-kind donation?
When you bring your items to the Center, we'd love to give you a receipt for your donation. It gives you a record for your taxes and allows us to properly thank you!
Wondering about the value of your donation? See IRS Publication 526, or talk with your tax advisor.