Goodman Community Center | Annual Report

If we had to sum up this year in one word, it would be more.

Our older adult program participant count grew by 50% and our child-care programs served more kids than we had since before COVID. In July, we started paying staff more with our Living Wage Initiative, which introduced an internal minimum wage of $20/hour. Unfortunately, we also saw more food insecurity with many, many more people in our community visiting our food pantry. We were able to support all these people and more with the help of our community – that’s you!

This report reflects our 2022/2023 fiscal year, which runs from Sept. 1 through Aug. 31.

Goodman Community Center Financials

Fiscal Year 2022-2023

Unrestricted public support revenue and gains

Government Grants 1,463,674

Foundation Grants 1,552,713

Contributions 4,268,413

User fees and tuition 996,439

Investment returns 328,388

Gain on Forgiveness of Debt 1,500,000

Other 78,729

TOTAL $10,188,356*


Personnel 4,748,734

Program supplies and activities 2,821,641

Contractual services 599,811

Occupancy 400,278

Depreciation 616,885

Financial services 429,280

Office supplies/phone/equipment 308,089

Insurance 90,628

Printing and postage 76,215

Staff training 124,531

TOTAL $10,216,092*

Change in net assets without donor restrictions -$27,736

This financial information has been condensed and should be read in conjunction with our audited financial statements which are available upon request.

*Revenue in this report includes capital campaign gifts which will be used for renovation and construction costs of the Center’s buildings. We have not included restricted revenue which has been promised but will not be received until future dates.

Board of Directors

Find a complete list of our board of directors here.