Bingo, cards, and games
Games — including Bingo, Euchre, Dominos and more — are hosted many days of the week after senior lunch. All are welcome and no registration is required. Seniors are encouraged to come, even if not attending lunch that day, for a chance to mingle with fellow participants and new friends. We also host a weekly virtual Bingo game.
Computer Tech Assistance: Appointments
Stop in and get your computer, tablet, phone and other technology questions answered! Volunteers provide one-on-one assistance and teach you basic computer skills such as how to join an online program through Zoom, use email and access the internet. Due to the popularity of this service, tech assistance is now by appointment only! See our Activities Calendar for available dates and details.
Books, movies and more
We offer several opportunities to join us for book readings, short story and philosophy discussions, documentary discussions, movies and more. All are welcome, even if not attending lunch that day. See our Activities Calendar for dates and details.

SV Heart Photography
Our Volunteers Make These Activities Possible
Thanks to our wonderful volunteers who host and facilitate many of our activities!
Activities for all ages
Goodman Menders: A Free Mending Service (2nd Tuesdays)
9:00 am–11:30 am
New dates added!
Tuesday & Thursday 50+ Computer Tech Assistance
10:00 am–12:00 pm
By appointment only.
Older Adults
For more information about Older Adult activities contact:

Gayle Laszewski
Assistant Director of Older Adult Program
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