Goodman Community Center | Teens

Filtered Teens

Seven Goodman teens visit a Southern university during spring break.

LOFT HBCU trip motivates high school students

May 4, 2023

During spring break, seven high schoolers and staff toured historically Black colleges and universities. The teens found it amazing to be surrounded by people who look like them.

Lussier LOFT High School, Eastside News Stories, Teens

"Lettuce" Share A Transition Academy Tradition

April 11, 2023

A 10-year relationship with Olbrich Gardens continues with a handful of lettuce seeds.

Teens, Transition Academy

Teens from Goodman Community Center's Lussier LOFT head south to visit HBCUs.

Lussier LOFT teens headed to HBCUs for spring break

March 21, 2023

Teens will explore institutions and take in the history and culture of the South

Lussier LOFT High School, Eastside News Stories, Teens

New sweatshirts for mask with an image designed by PEELD.

Artist Terrence Adeyanju helps create image for Goodman youth program

May 16, 2022

Adeyanju — who creates art under the name PEELD — collaborated with Goodman's boys group MAScK to create a new hoodie for the group his was once a part of.

Lussier LOFT Middle School, Eastside News Stories, Teens, Kids

LOFT youth middle schoolers work to make crossing Atwood Avenue safer

March 30, 2022

Crossing flags are now available and a new crosswalk will be painted during the first phase of making the intersection safer. Next year, flashing lights will replace the flags.

Eastside News Stories, Lussier LOFT, Neighborhood News, Teens

Culture Club: Africa Club at Madison East High School

March 16, 2022

Africa Club provides Madison East High students a space to stay connected to their African culture.

Lussier LOFT High School, Eastside News Stories, Teens

Printable Black History Month Cards

February 28, 2022

Download and print these Black History “trading cards” to help young people in your life learn more about notable Black Americans who contributed (or are contributing) to the history of the United States.

Families, Teens, Kids