Dear friends & neighbors,
If you've been out shopping lately, you probably noticed the backpacks and notebooks, glue sticks and scissors that have started popping up in the aisles. The shops are prepping for kids to go back to school, and at Goodman we are too.

September is a time of excitement and anticipation, and for a lot of families, it's also a time of stress, especially these last couple of years. Everything is more expensive, including school supplies.
That's why we're planning to provide hundreds of local kids with a backpack filled with the supplies they need to start the year off right. And we need your help to do it.
Every year, we help our participant families get the supplies they need. That adds up to a little more than 100 kids. Last year, we opened registration for kids from our community too, and with your generosity, we were able to provide more than 400 local kids from Goodman programs and our broader community with supplies. This year, we want to up that number to 500.
It's a big undertaking, but with your support, I know we can do it.
The next time you make a run to Target, Walmart or another local store, could you add a few items from our shopping list to your cart? If you're too busy to shop in person, we've got that covered. Check out our Amazon Wish List or make a financial gift online.
Thanks for supporting local kids and families!
Letesha Nelson, CEO & Executive Director
What's Good at Goodman
This letter was sent with our email newsletter, filled with the latest news about what's happening at the Goodman Community Center.