By Naomi Wetzel, Boy Scout Troop 747
I am one of the first Scouts in the Scouts BSA Troop 747 for girls to work toward the rank of Eagle Scout. The troop is located in Sun Prairie. Their adult leadership serves Scouts age 11-18.
To achieve this highest rank in Scouting, Scouts must demonstrate competence, leadership and community service in many ways, culminating in a final project. Pick a Flower, Pick a Book is the name of my two-part project designed to promote literacy in and interaction with our natural world.
Little Free Libraries have become a beloved part of many communities, but they can’t last without care and attention. My Eagle Scout project, Pick a Flower, Pick a Book, aims to revitalize the Little Free Library at Goodman Community Center and bring diverse stories to my community.
The first part of the project is to refurbish the Little Free Library at GCC located next to the Capital City Path and splash pad, and to build a small flower garden bed for kids and the community to pick and enjoy while using the Little Free Library. For this part of the project, I have coordinated with GCC and organized volunteers from my Scout troop to do the construction and painting.
The second part of the project is a book drive to collect children’s books to place in the Little Free Library — and this part is where you come in! Community members can contribute books from our Pick a Flower, Pick a Book Wishlist.
With the community’s help, Scouts BSA Troop 747 can grow readers.