Dear friends & neighbors,
See those wheels in the photo below? Those wheels are a shiny example of community coming together to support one another. Let me explain.

Food Pantry Manager Francesca recently looked into replacing the worn-out wheels on the two U-boat carts (pictured above) that are critical to the daily function of the pantry. She quickly learned that it would cost hundreds of dollars to buy 12 new wheels (6 for each cart).
Francesca called the sales department of Little Giant, the manufacturer of the wheels, and shared her dilemma: we needed the wheels, but the cost just wasn't in the budget. Little Giant donated the wheels for both carts!
And it doesn't stop there. Francesca went to Ace Hardware on Willy Street to pick up some bolts and lubricating oil she would need to swap out the wheels. When she told the staff person what the supplies were for, he said he loves to support Goodman and they were on him.
These two acts may have seemed small for Little Giant and Ace, but they will have immeasurable impact on our community. Our pantry’s carts will remain reliable tools, which means we’ll be able to continue to provide food to the hundreds of families who visit our pantry each week.
There is so much good happening out there, it's amazing! Be the Good, Madison!
Take care,
Letesha Nelson, CEO & Executive Director
P.S. Looking to do a little good? Our pantry is in need of donations of food and supplies. Check out the most-needed list here.
What's Good at Goodman
This letter was sent with our email newsletter, filled with the latest news about what's happening at the Goodman Community Center.